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Group tours are now available to book!

Please find below information about booking group tours of the school.

If you are interested in a place in our Reception Class in September 2022, we will be offering prospective parents the opportunity to visit the school on Wednesday mornings at 10.45am on the following dates:

29th September

6th October

13th October

20th October

10th November

17th November

24th November

Each tour will last approximately 30 minutes and will consist of a short presentation by the Headteacher and a tour of the school by Year 6 pupils. We ask that you please wear a mask at all times when on the school site.

If you have young children you are welcome to bring them along, but all pushchairs must be left by the entrance area. Should your child become unsettled during the visit we would ask that you leave the tour until they are able to continue.

BOOKING IS ESSENTIAL.  If you would like to book a place please EMAIL the office as follows:

Please provide the following information:

  • Your name
  • The name and date of birth of your child
  • Your current address
  • Your contact phone number(s)
  • The nursery/pre-school your child is currently attending
  • 2 tour date options of when you would like to visit

If you are unable to visit, the album below contains photos of the school to help you to get to know us a bit better.

A copy of our prospectus can be found on the Admissions page of our website.

Thank you.