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Health and Well-Being

The school has a First Aid policy and deals with minor cuts, bruises and banged heads.  We will also administer prescribed drugs on request.  Some children have severe allergies and require emergency procedures and drugs such as epipens.  These are carefully stored and staff are trained in their use.

All children are likely to pick up headlice from time to time.  It is the responsibility of all parents to check their children's hair regularly, use a nit comb where necessary and treat the hair if a live louse is discovered.

In the summer when the weather is hot and sunny parents are requested to put sunscreen on their children before school.  We have sunscreen on site for the children to top up with so there is no need to send in your own.

We have a defibrillator on site.

For those requiring support for mental health we offer a number of 'nurture' packages, including 'ELSA' (small group), and for children from Forces families a Services Support Worker.